The political effects of migration-related fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories - conference



9:00-9:10 Opening remarks
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Political Capital

9:10-9:25 Introduction of the study
Attila Juhász, Director, Political Capital

9:30-9:50 Keynote speech
Dániel Fazekas, CEO and co-founder of Bakamo Social

9:50-11:00 Expert panel: The reasons for the dissemination of migration-related fake news and potential counter-strategies

Gabriella Cseh, Head of Public Policy Central and Eastern Europe, Facebook
Dániel Fazekas, CEO and co-founder of Bakamo Social
Dániel Hegedűs, research adviser at Freedom House, visting lecturer at Free University Berlin

Moderator: Veszna Wessenauer, Political Capital

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15.12:30 Politician panel: What is the responsibility of politics with regards to the dissemination of fake news?

Zsolt Molnár, MSZP, chairman of the National Assembly’s national security committee
Zsuzsanna Szelényi, Együtt, MP
Bernadett Szél, LMP, member of the National Assembly’s national security committee

Moderator: Edit Zgut, Political Capital


Political Capital's study: The political effects of migration-related fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories in Europe can be downloaded from here (PDF, 1.7 MB).