The Future of Disinformation – (Geo)political, Technological Trends and Countermeasures’


A joint conference organized by AFP, Epresspack, Idea Foundation, Lakmusz, Mertek Media Monitor, and Political Capital

Date: 2 April 2025, 13:45-17:30
French Institute (Budapest, Fő u. 17. 1011)
English and Hungarian (with translation)

The conference will provide a platform for in-depth discussions on the evolving trends of disinformation, focusing on the challenges posed by today’s (geo)political and technological shifts. It will highlight the critical role of independent media in combating misinformation, highlighting key tools such as fact-checking and media literacy to promote informed decision-making.

To join the event, please register here by 31 March 2025:



13.45-14.00     Welcome remarks

Christine Buhagiar – regional director, AFP (online)

Gábor Kardos – CEO, Magyar Jeti

Péter Krekó – director, Political Capital

Krisztina Nagy – director, Idea Foundation

Gábor Polyák – director, Mertek Media Monitor


14.00-14.45     The power of facts in journalism in the age of disinformation (Hungarian)

Dániel Ács – journalist,

Botond Feledy – journalist, geopolitical analyst

Zsuzsanna Wirth – journalist,

      Moderator: Szilvi Német – journalist,


14.45-15.30     When politicians lie - How to fight state-sponsorsed disinformation? (English)

Felix Kartte – senior fellow, Stiftung Mercator

Tamar Kintsurashvili – editor-in-chief, Myth Detector

Szilárd Teczár – editor-in-chief,

    Moderator: Blanka Zöldi – founder, strategic advisor,


15:30 -15:45    Coffee break


15.45-16.30     Truth Relativism, Media Consumption and conspiracy beliefs in CEE - Public Opinion polls and AI Tools (English)

Csaba Molnár – data analyst, Political Capital

Raluca Radu – professor, University of Bucharest

Ágnes Urbán – director, Mertek Media Monitor

    Moderator: Péter Krekó – director, Political Capital


16.30-17.30     The role of media literacy for a healthier information environment: education, platform regulation – Presentation of the InfoGrund Teacher Award 2024 (Hungarian)

Miklós Császár – head of department, National Media and Infocommunications Authority

Márton Kárpáti – Director of Content Development and Strategy, Telex

Krisztina Nagy – director, Idea Foundation

Krisztina Rozgonyi – senior scientist, Austrian Institute of Technology

    Moderator: Alinda Veiszer – journalist


17:30 – 18:00   Coffee break



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Following the conference, the Institut Français of Hungary cordially invites all interested parties to an open roundtable discussion titled "Combating Disinformation and Strengthening European Democracies: The Future of Fact-Checking" on the occasion of the International Fact-Checking Day, as part of the La Nuit des idées.

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 2, at 18:00 in the auditorium of the Institut Français (1011 Budapest, Fő utca 17.).


Paolo Cesarini – Program Director at the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) at the European University Institute
Corentin Leotard – Editor-in-Chief of Courrier d'Europe centrale and author of La Hongrie sous Orbán ("Hungary Under Orbán")
Sylvain Louvet – Vice President and co-founder of the Fake Off association, Albert-Londres Prize-winning director, and Head of HBO MAX’s Documentary Division
Gábor Polyák – Professor of media law and media policy at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and Head of Research at Mérték Media Monitor
Krisztina Stump – Head of the European Commission’s Unit for Fighting Online Disinformation (DG CNECT)

   Moderator: Péter Krekó – Executive Director of Political Capital, political scientist, social      psychologist, and disinformation expert

For more details about the event, click here.
Please register for the roundtable discussion here: