Spreading political messages and narratives in repetitive comments
Summary report
Methods, techniques, and tools used for analyzing sponsored disinformation
Social media analysis
A study by Political Capital
Research summary
Political Capital's study
Initial optimism about social media has turned into an open expression of growing political, ethical, legal and economic concerns about tech companies.
Budapest Forum panel summary
Information bubbles and ideological proximities on Czech, Hungarian and Slovak Facebook
Political Capital partnered up with Czech and Slovak experts to gain a better understanding of Russian soft and sharp power in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.
This page presents the results of a two-years-long research project, which focused on the attitudes towards political violence in online and offline context.
There has been a proliferation of ‘new’ opposition movements before and after the 2010 elections. They vary in size, ideology, form, structure and their relationship with party politics.
A rendezvény az új ellenzéki mozgalmak online szimpatizánsainak (Facebook-követőinek) motivációit és attitűdjeit vizsgáló kutatás eredményeit mutatja be egy saját kutatás alapján.
Counterpoint, a London based research and advisory group's interview with Peter Kreko, director of Political Capital about contemporary conspiracy theories in Hungary.
Jobbik Facebook fans young, educated, eurosceptic, pessimistic & prejudiced.
Demos and the Political Capital Institute released the first ever study of the Jobbik party’s Facebook fans, based on over 2,000 survey responses.