Disinformation against the European Union - How could the EU defend itself in information space?
An event organized jointly by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Jelen and Political Capital
Date: 2 June 2021, 10:00-11:00
Venue: online
Language: Hungarian (with English translation)
The European Union is now at the center of not only pro-Kremlin disinformation narratives but those of some EU member states as well. These narratives are focusing on questioning the EU’s reason for existence, criticizing its decision-making process, and drawing a very bleak picture of the Union’s future. These manipulative campaigns can easily exploit the bloc’s mistakes and the population’s lack of information on how it operates. The EU has so far been unable to effectively defend itself against disinformation campaigns. Thus, the main question is what the Union can do to balance the disinformation narratives spread by non-EU and EU member authoritarian, hybrid regimes.
- What are the main claims made by anti-EU campaigns?
- What are the differences between narratives spread by the Kremlin and the Hungarian government?
- To what extent does the EU have to opt for a different strategy when countering narratives spread by governments of EU member states?
- What can be the short- and long-term effects of anti-EU disinformation campaigns?
- What options does the EU have to fight disinformation?
- Is there a need for the average EU citizen to better understand how the Union works? If yes, how could this be achieved?
These are the questions we would like to discuss with our panelists.
10:00-10:05 Welcoming speech
János Molnár, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftuing
Péter Krekó, Political Capital
10:05-10:15 Is it the Nazis, the Germans, the Soviets or Soros at the end of the EU’s leash?
Patrik Szicherle, Political Capital
10:15-10:50 How should Brussels protect itself?
Judit Bayer – associate professor with habilation, BGE
Péter Magyari – journalist, 444.hu
Moderator: Dóra Ónody-Molnár/Zoltán Lakner – Jelen
10:50-11:20 What is the EU doing against disinformation?
Anna Donáth – MEP, RE, Momentum
Benedek Jávor – head of Budapest's Representation in Brussels
Moderátor: Dóra Ónody-Molnár / Zoltán Lakner – Jelen
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