European and Hungarian trends after the double elections in Hungary


A joint conference organized by Lakmusz, Mertek Media Monitor, and Political Capital

Date: 12 June 2024, 12:30-18:00

Venue: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 15. – Auditorium

Language: Hungarian and English (with simultaneous translation on-site)

The key question, from both a Hungarian and a European perspective, is whether or not Viktor Orbán's prediction of a breakthrough for the populist forces in Europe on June 9th will come to pass. It will also be more evident following the local elections which domestic political actors can pick up steam and which ones are doomed to failure. Hungary's first conference after its first-ever double election.



12:30-12:45       Welcome remarks

Gábor Kardos – CEO, Magyar Jeti

Péter Krekó – director, Political Capital

Gábor Polyák – head of research, Mertek Media Monitor


12:45-13:00       Keynote speech

Paolo Cesarini – program director, European University Institute


13:00-13:40       This is how disinformation ripped through the campaign

Csaba Molnár – head of research, Political Capital

Ágnes Urbán – managing director, Mertek Media Monitor

Blanka Zöldi – editor-in-chief, Lakmusz


13:40-14:30       Social media platforms and election campaigns

Paolo Cesarini – program director, European University Institute

Michal Šenk – researcher, Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO)

Krisztina Stump – deputy director, European Commission

     moderator: Blanka Zöldi – editor-in-chief, Lakmusz


14:30-15:40       The transformation of the EU landscape after the European elections


András Bíró-Nagy – director, Policy Solutions

Péter Krekó – director, Political Capital

Zsuzsanna Végh – program officer, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

     moderator: Pál Dániel Rényi – journalist,


15:40-16:00       Coffee break


16:00-17:10       Outlook for the 15th year of the Orbán regime after the municipal elections

Presentation: Róbert László – election expert, Political Capital

Panel discussion

Róbert László – election expert, Political Capital

Bálint Ruff – political advisor, host of Partizán’s show “Vétó”

Anna Unger – associate professor, ELTE TáTK

     moderator: Zoltán Lakner – editor-in-chief, Jelen


17:10-18:00       Being mayor

Krisztina Baranyi – mayor of Ferencváros (Budapest District IX)

András Cser-Palkovics – mayor of Székesfehérvár

András Pikó – mayor of Józsefváros (Budapest District VIII)

Tamás Soproni – mayor of Terézváros (Budapest District VI)

     moderator: Róbert László – election expert, Political Capital


Registration is required to participate in the event, which you can do via the following link:  

The event will be streamed on Facebook in the original language. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided on site.