EU Elections: A win for Visegrad Four?


A joint event organized by EURACTIV Slovakia, EURACTIV Czech Republic, EURACTIV Poland, and Political Capital




Date: 19 June 2024, 10:00-11:30 AM CET

Venue: online (Zoom)

Language: English (without translation)

Recent European Parliament elections and the formation of a new European Commission have shaken up Brussels. Did they bring good news or bad news for V4 countries? What are the V4's priorities for the next five years? On what issues can they form a united front? And who are the rumoured Visegrad Commissioners?

Topics to be discussed:
- V4 priorities and their alignment with the new EP and Commission
- Common positions of V4 countries and their differences
- Representation of V4 among EU's top jobs


Monika Beňová (tbc)  Member of European Parliament (Smer-SSD)

Pavlína Janebová – Research Director, AMO (Association for International Affairs)

Dorka Takácsy – Foreign Policy Expert and Researcher, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy

   moderator: Barbara Zmušková, Editor, EURACTIV Slovakia


If you wish to attend this event, please fill in a registration form here. Registration is free of charge.