Brexit: what impact it will have on the UK, Europe and Hungary?
Conference of Political Capital
Venue: Gödör Klub (1061 Budapest, Király street 8-10.)
Date: June 28, 2018, 16:00-18.00
Language: English (without translation)
16.00-16.10 Opening remarks – Péter Krekó, Director, Political Capital
16.10-16.40 Brexit – past, present and future – Matthew Goodwin, University of Kent
Who voted for Brexit, why, and what are the implications of this vote for Britain and Europe more widely? This talk will explore the causes and consequences of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, reflecting on the backgrounds and concerns of Leave voters, what British citizens now want from the Brexit deal and where this leaves British politics and Euroscepticism across the continent. He will investigate the relative role of economic and identity factors and show how Brexit has cut across traditional lines in politics, reshaping electorates and leading to a partial realignment of British politics.
16.40-18.00 The future of Brexit – discussion
Matthew Goodwin, Professor, University of Kent, Senior Visiting Fellow, Chatham House
Judit Iglódi-Csató, Government Affairs, Market Access and Communications Director at GSK Hungary
Iain Lindsay OBE, British Ambassador to Hungary
Nick Thorpe, Central Europe Correspondent for BBC
Moderator: Péter Krekó, Political Capital
Matthew J. Goodwin is an academic, writer and speaker known mainly for his work on British and European politics, volatility, populism, Brexit and elections. He is Professor of Politics at Rutherford College, University of Kent, and Senior Visiting Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House. Matthew is the author of five books, including Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union (Cambridge University Press) and the forthcoming National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (Penguin). He lives in London and tweets @GoodwinMJ
Please kindly reply to this invitation at the following address: by 26th June, 2018.
Conference summary.